Securiguard® Clients
The following is a comprehensive list of past and present Securiguard clients (many of the past clients were Securiguard clients when Securiguard was designated as a “small business”):
- ARAMARK (Gallaudet University)
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Banco Central de Puerto Rico
- Coastal International Security (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
- Defense Nuclear Agency
- Departamento Servicios Contra la Adiccion
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Energy Regulation Commission
- General Services Administration
- Grumman Aerospace Corporation
- The Hay Adams Hotel
- Holmes & Narver Services, Inc. (Department of Energy)1
- John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
- VT Griffin Services, Inc (Trident Naval Submarine Base)1
- Library of Congress
- Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Lockheed Martin Corporation – ITS
- Lockheed Martin Corporation – TSS
- Lockheed Martin Corporation Properties
- Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
- McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems
- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
- Dulles International Airport
- Ronald Reagan National Airport
- MITRE Corporation
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Agricultural Library
- National Archives and Records Administration
- NEC America
- Office of Personnel Management
- Prince William County
- Sea-land of Puerto Rico
- Science Museum of Virginia
- Social Security Administration
- Sprint Government Systems Division
- Sprint International
- Universidad de Puerto Rico
- U.S. Customs Service
- U.S. Department of the Army
- U.S. Department of the Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Department Justice
- U.S. Department of the Navy
- U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Department Transportation
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administrative
- U.S. Embassies 2
- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
- U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
- U.S. National Arboretum
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Veterans Administration
- Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
- Virginia Department of Taxation
- Virginia Department of Transportation
- Virginia Employment Commission
- Virginia Lottery
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
- Virginia State Bar
- Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission
- Virginia Housing Development Authority
- Xerox Corporation
- Subcontracts
- Joint Ventures for U.S. Embassies